The 21stInternational Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, organized in cooperation with partner institutions, the University “Sjever” from Varaždin and the Faculty for Management of the University in Warsaw, was held at John Naisbitt University on May 18-19, 2017.

The Conference was opened by Professor Ana Jurčić, Director of International Cooperation Department of John Naisbitt University, who emphasized the importance of the conference not only for the host, the partners and international participants, but for a wider social community, as well. She expressed her gratitude for the fact that more than 130 authors from prestigious international academic institutions took part in this year conference.

The two-day sessions provided the opportunity for participants from Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Greece, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco and other countries to better define the problems of the modern economy arising from inadequate distribution and dominance of the financial and political oligarchy. The conference sent a strong message about the need that chosen leaders work on improving the common good and social interests in all countries, regardless of specific differences.

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